Project Overviews
Black History Month
Mississippi State's observance of Black History Month culminates with encouragement for everyone to continue the conversations that have started. Continue the focus on inclusion and diversity to ultimately experience a true appreciation for cultural differences within every community. Acknowledge the complexity of journeys traveled by those we love while also recognizing achieving trailblazers from all walks of life beyond just one month alone. Here, a few of our campus leaders discuss Black history, courageous leaders, and the importance of representation.
For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Office of Public Affairs at Mississippi State University wanted to recognize breast cancer survivors. For this project, the university asked four breast cancer survivors and MSU employees to write letters to their past selves, providing advice and encouragement as they prepared for their fight against cancer. Read below for their letters.
Faces of the T.K. Martin Center
During the Mississippi State Homecoming football game on Saturday [Nov.23], the MSU Bulldogs will sport the “Selfless” uniforms to recognize the university’s T.K. Martin Center for Technology and Disability. Highlighted here are some of the center’s rising stars, putting a face and name to the children and outstanding work the uniforms are acknowledging. Read what some of the teachers had to say about some of their extraordinary students.